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Monday, April 7, 2008

This is a good time to buy a new house

There is no better time to buy a new house than right now. Now, the market has come full circle and the buyer has the negotiating advantage - that is, if he or she can logically sort through the mortgage options. The buyer must distinguish the good values from the bad and determine if a deal really is as good as it appears. That's where a good Realtor, acting as a great consultant, certainly pays off. You buy up because the higher-priced home in the same market falls by a larger percentage in dollars than the lesser-priced home you want to sell. For example, the market softens by 5% on a $200,000 property. That equals $10,000. On the $100,000 home at the same 5%, that equals $5,000.A wise man said "EAIASTAEOGO" - Every adversity is a seed to an equal or greater opportunity.


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